Mental Coach and Sports Motivator

Mental Coach

The mind can be for athletes, as for humans in general, a powerful ally or at the same time a damaging brake. Training the mind to remain "healthy" is therefore as important as physical training.

The Mental Sports Coach is a key figure to optimize performance. He is a motivator but is not limited to simply finding the right triggers to just strengthen the will, or to insist that "You can do it".  Here enters the wider role of the Mental Coach: to manage pre- and post-race pressures, stimulate concentration, increase attention and create a winning mentality.

The performance of an athlete may vary from day to day and this not only because there is a change in the technical skills but also because his/her mood will inevitably affect performance as well. Body, mind and emotions are closely linked to each other and that's why the Mental Sports Coach joins the technical staff working with the individual athlete and/or with the team, in order to add adequate mental preparation to the tactical preparation.

The Mental Coach does not work using tricks, but plans work based on the real needs of the athlete and the results are actually measurable. If followed with constancy and continuity, the mental workouts can increase sports performance even over 50%. He works to identify the points of weakness and strengths, thus setting the objectives and the deadlines to achieve those.

Often situations of stress and nervousness help to concentrate forces thus creating an energy higher than normal. What does this mean? Do you have to be stressed in order to succeed? There are two types of stress: Eustress, which is a positive stress, and Distress which is a negative stress. Good stress stimulates success, while Distress creates suffering and we would like to avoid this. Scientific studies have demonstrated that Distress may have many negative effects on various organs of our body. The Mental Sports Coach helps the athlete to handle both types of stress that occur in everyday life, and thereby supports him/her in overcoming insecurities and inner difficulties.

 The Mental Coach can also promote and strengthen communication and team spirit in the group when working with the entire team. His value can be maximized when working with coaches, supporting them and making the most of their skills.

Mental Coach for professional football players

The Mental Coach helps the professional athlete in his personal development through a collaboration aimed at building winning mindset to achieve the goals set.

• He is a professional who is interested in the mind of the sportsman and in the motivational aspects;
• he does not replace the coach, but he is near him creating an improved synergy.

He helps the athlete to make the most of his potential, starting from the principle that the mind and the mood affect physical and athletic performances.

• He works for the single athlete;
• for the whole team.

• He aims at managing emotions both positive and critical;
• he helps the athlete to face defeats and not to focus simply on winning the single game;
• to learn to enhance teamwork;
• to manage relationships between teammates;
• to respond to accidents;
• to accept the Mister's choices in view of the "well-being" of the team rather than of the single athlete.


Sports Motivator

The Sports Motivator follows athletes both at an agonistic and at a non-professional level.

He works on the motivation of the single athlete or of the team in order to reach goals that may concern the single competition or a whole season.

With his skills he provides the athlete or the team with a series of awarenesses linked above all to the will power with the aim of improving his athletic performances.

He also supports the athletes that aren't expressing themselves at their best and that, due to this fact, are not able to keep the set seasonal goals.


He is the one who motivates the athlete to victory through:
• words;

• For the achievement of sports goals.

• Using motivational impulses (The Sports Motivator unlike the mental coach works in an easier way);
• looks for the "why" that pushes to achieve the goals without having to deal deeply with the athlete's psyche;
• the "why" can be based on positive impulses, such as the pleasure of winning, or on critical impulses, for example the fear that the consequences of not being able to do it can bring.


Courses and Events

Practical Mental Training for Professional Footballers

23 July 2017  

The  Practical Mental Training for Professional Football is made of an extensive and effective set of strategies to allow football players to improve their knowledge and use of psycho-physical skills in order to better perform during training and games.

Summer Camp at Liverpool Football Club

30 August 2017  

The Language Gallery Juniors and Liverpool Football Club have teamed up to provide 12-17 year old boys and girls with the experience of a lifetime.

Are you a football player, a coach, a manager or a young talent parent?
You are looking for a Sports Attorney, a Psychologist or a Mental Coach to improve your competitive performance

Contact us for advice immediately

The Ways of Well-being

Paolofabrizio De Luca
Agent of footballers, Sports psychologist, Sports Motivator and Mental Coach
© 2025

Sport and Psychology Management
Via G. L. Bernini 45
Napoli, Vomero - 80129
Tel: +39 3470714330

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